Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blog Project Task #1

Although I hate talking about myself, let me tell you some details.I am 22 and I live with my family. I graduated school in 2005. I planned to study abroad but luck wasn't with me when I tried to go for it so I stayed in the UAE. I'm an outgoing person who likes to hang around with friends, chill have fun. I play football twice a week with my friends. I'm a calm type of person.

In this blog I am going to talk about the global warming that is going to happen in future time and how serious it is and how it can be prevented.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Task #2 An Introduction to Global Warming

Global warming is caused by us. We make it happen but we don't notice it or we may look at others doing it but we can't tell that this may cause the global warming to happen faster.

Global warming is caused by factories around the world. It may be a serious problem because those factories pollute the air and cover the earth with heavy smoked gases which come out from the factories. This may cause the ice in the north and south pole to melt faster and this may make the sea levels rise and may be a big problem for some countries.

It's really a serious problem that everyone should think about and try to prevent from happening and to do that people should have, to go to work using buses or walk to work. This may help to reduce the number of cars and help stop the problem that may happen. Goverments can ban old cars from the roads so they can help a lot if they do that.